[版本語言] v6.7.4016 繁中(多語言)企業版
[官方網頁] www.metaproducts.com
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (12.6 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] MetaProducts 出品的離線瀏覽器工具軟體

MetaProducts Offline Explorer Enterprise is an offline browser*** that allows you to download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, HTTPS and FTP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. RTSP, PNM and MMS streaming media downloads are also supported. Offline Explorer Enterprise can create static offline copy of SharePoint and ASP/ASPX sites.
Offline Explorer Enterprise combines the usability of Offline Explorer with the power of Offline Explorer Pro and adds:
-The ability to download up to 100 million URLs per Project;
-An OLE Automation interface to enable control from other applications;
-The ability to update Projects with deleted files;
-Internal Proxy server to access downloaded sites transparently in your browser;
-Generation of Google SiteMap files.
-The fastest-possible multi-threaded processing of downloaded files by using all CPU cores.
-Password-protected access to the Internal server from other computers.