[軟體名稱] Arcadia PhotoPerfect Ultimate
[版本語言] v3.20.19 英語極致版
http://www.photoperfect.com/photoperfect-introduction.html[隨身封裝] 7z
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[隨身免裝] 7z
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[軟體概要] Arcadia 出品的圖像編輯工具軟體

PhotoPerfect combines the power of a professional photo editing software with the simplicity of one-click image optimizations to give photo enthusiasts, semi-professional and professional photographers the ability to create the best possible images. Start using this photo editor with one-click photo optimizations; then challenge yourself to achieve your dream shot.
FeaturesPhotoPerfect provides you with a magnitude of features for picture editing.
Automatic image enhancement-Fully automized one click image optimization with the included algorithm Xe847
-Even further enhanced automatic image optimization with the optional plugins i.e., Xe847 ProPlus or Perfectly Clear (including automatic detection & removal of red eye effects)
Essential image enhancement functions-Brightness and contrast correction
-Correction of flash effects, backlight effects and shadow brightening
-Remove red eye effects
-Saturation setting (also selective)
-Comprehensive histogram correction facilities
-Perform retrospective white balance
-Color balance, color temperature, stepless channel switch
-Noise suppression / Color noise suppression
Advanced image enhancement functions-Various advanced softening and sharpening tools (USM)
-Lab curves for editing images in Lab color space
-Band filter for removal of symmetrical distortion
-16 bit support for RAW and TIFF files
-Import and edit RAW files
-Merging with Dynamic Range Increase (DRI)
-Remove color casts using multi-stage gray balance technique
-Comprehensive masking functions
-Color vibrance for selectively tweaking the saturation of over- or under saturated areas
-Brightness gradient
-Intelligent retouching function with repair and remove brushes
-MonochromiX extension for advanced black & white (grayscale) conversion
-Color management for monitor display and output on various devices
-'Replace masked area': insert masked image area from original image
-Generate, edit and save Exif and IPTC data
Optical correction features-Automatic pincushion reduction
-Correct converging lines
-Reduce vignetting
-Superb Shift correction
-Remove hot pixels and stuck pixels
Reshaping, manipulating, and resizing-Cut images to predefined or custom formats
-Improved interpolation with scaling, rotating and masking (Resizing an image will create results superior to leading digital imaging applications)
-Enlarge or reduce images using various techniques
-Retouching (free drawing, cloning, shading etc.)
-Insert logo, date and text
-Lossless rotation and cropping
-Measure and mark image content
Printing-Print pages from pre-defined templates
-Print several images on one page
-Print index pages
-Print poster or panorama view over several pages
-Date insertion
-Save print drafts for further use
-Series print
Configurability and expandabilitySavable window and key combination profiles-Integrated scripting engine for VB- und JScripts
-Native scripting language PPScript with more than 250 commands
-Improved support for Photoshop compatible plugins
-Macro functionality
-Custom keyboard assignments
-Customer specific extensions
-Photo formats and plugins in processing resources
-Optimized support for external print services
-Configurable multi-dialog for creating custom workflows
-Measurements in either inches or cm
File functions-Send images by email directly from PhotoPerfect
-Image conversion into various formats
-Integrated, fast image viewer
-New, scriptable batch processing
-Trigger script upon saving of image
-Create image lists (can also administer image lists on web server)
-Transfer images from digital or video cameras, scanners or card readers to the PC
-File groups for better file handling
-Exif overview data in status line
Addtional features-Integrated framing tool
-Generate mosaic images
-Create stereo images
-Slide show (under XP direct to CD)
-Direct execution of external image viewers and editors
-GPS support
-GPS track import via external script
-Import GPS data from a NMEA tracklist
-Save GPS information and import/export as Google Earth file
-Support for dual core processors
-Optimization for 16 bit (LCD) displays