2013年11月3日 星期日

Portable FastPictureViewer Pro 1.9.327 MultiLang

[軟體名稱] FastPictureViewer Professional
[版本語言] v1.9.327.0   繁中多語言版 (x86/x64)
[官方網頁] www.fastpictureviewer.com
[隨身免裝] 7z x86x86 (20.7 MB) / x64x64 (21.7 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] 一款快速檢視/編輯圖片的工具軟體

FastPictureViewer Pro is the best companion to Adobe Lightroom and other digital asset management systems: use it to weed-out your pictures before importing them for development and editing. FPV Pro has all the tools you need to quickly decide if you want to keep an image or not: full color management for faithful color rendition, instant zooming to 100% and back, to check for sharpness, instant RGB histogram to evaluate the exposure, instant lost shadows / highlights view to see where the blocked-up shadows and burned-out highlights zones are located and their extent, and instant EXIF shooting data at a glance.


Portable,工具,隨身,軟體,免安裝,繁中,FastPictureViewer Pro

