[版本語言] v6.1 繁中多語言(英/德/韓/西班牙/波蘭/泰/簡中)專業版
[官方網頁] www.cooolsoft.com
[隨身封裝] 7z mediafire 或 sendspace (5.5 MB)
[隨身免裝] 7z mediafire 或 sendspace (5.6 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[儲放時間] 免空限制 - 30 天無人下載自動刪除
[軟體概要] CooolSoft 出品的音訊直接轉換為 CD 的工具軟體
Power Flac Cd Maker is a powerful tool to convert your music to CD directly, specially for flac or ape flawless compressed music files. You can use it to make your own music CD just like the origin CD, it have fastest CD making speed, and no extra disk space needed while converting, all is done in your memory.
Supported music format:
Convert from : wav mp3 wma CD-audio ogg ape wmv asf m4a m2a mp2 mpg mp1 mpga mpa mpx mp4 mpc rm flac shn tta wv ac3 aac aiff amr
Convert to : wav mp3 wma ogg ape mp2 m2a
Burn CD
Main features of Power Flac Cd Maker:
Direct Cd Making: no extra disk space needed.
Most familiar audio format support: Now supports mp3, wma, wav, ogg, ape, asf(audio part), wmv(audio part) and CD audio format, and it will keep on adding.
CD Ripping: can rip CD into mp3, wma, wav, ogg, ape files directly. And it even can burn another CD directly at the same time, that is, direct copy of CD audio files is supported. Power MP3 WMA Converter also supports CDDB auto searching.
APE flac and CUE index support: can divide APE format with CUE files into several separate sound track according the information in CUE files.
Part conversion of one audio file support: can convert part of one audio file according to the desired conversion start position and length. And this can be done batching.
Combine of several audio files support: can combine several seleted files into one with the disired format.
Playback support: can play the file in the converter list. This is an effective assistance to audio conversion and CD burning.
Powerful function of tag information edit support: supports the fast modification of file tag information, and it also support the simultaneous edit of several audio files's tag information. You can rename the files as the tag information. By supporting ID3V1/V2 it can make the management of files clear and easy.
3--此為 x86 版本,已加註容許32位元的軟體執行於64位元
Hi Morgan,
回覆刪除I've been getting the message of "File Belongs to Suspended Account." when I tried to download from some of your slightly older links... What to do about this?!
Ok...I will update this one again...Thanks!
刪除Updated - 2012-04-16
刪除Great! Thanks Morgan! Works now!
回覆刪除BTW, I thought I saw Adobe Lightroom on your blog before but couldn't find it when I was looking for it yesterday. Do you happen to have the latest version of Adobe Lightroom? :-)
Adobe Lightroom is getting bigger and bigger in size nowaday, a bit lazy for such a big file though. Besides, I am not quite sure that the Portable version can really work as a plug-in for Adobe or not, see how then...