[版本語言] v2.1 繁中版 / 英語版
[官方網頁] www.oakdoc.com
[隨身封裝] 7z 繁中 mediafire / 英語 mediafire (2.2 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[隨身免裝] 7z 繁中 mediafire / 英語 mediafire (1.8 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] OakDoc 出品的 PDF 轉換為 FLASH 的工具軟體
OakDoc PDF to Flash Converter is an easy-to-use end-user wizard for creating or manipulating flash movies, it does not need the third part software support such as Acrobat etc, quickly convert PDF files, and vector graphics to flash moveis. It supports fully formatted text, including tables, formulas, graphics etc. inside your flash movie; it supports batch convert PDF files to flash movies and supports all versions of PDF. OakDoc PDF to Flash Converter supports the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality flash movies. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create flash movies by simply click the "next" button, and it offers convenient features to optimize and manipulate flash movies in ways that most other packages do not. It is clearly to see why it is one of the most powerful and efficient tools for your office on the market today.
3--此為 x86 版本,已加註容許32位元的軟體執行於64位元
There are so many words that I can't understand.
回覆刪除Personally, I'm using pdf to flash magazine tool to do the conversion.
Here is Portable Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro