[版本語言] v3.4.0.0 英語版 (x86/x64)
[官方網頁] lazesoft.com
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (181.1 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Lazesoft 出品的修正開機啟動問題與還原光碟製作工具軟體

Lazesoft Windows Recovery offers home users and businesses complete solutions to fix boot problem, retrieve valuable files, Undelete Partition, etc.
With easy to use interfaces, you can using Lazesoft Windows Recovery to correct boot problems by yourself avoided reinstall your Windows. No technical background is required.
You can use Lazesoft Windows Recovery backuping your entire Windows system or disk before repair. The most fix operation just need one click and the operation is undoable. If you donot satisfied the fix result, you can just undo it.

回覆刪除1--Double click and run the xxx_Portable.exe
2--It willextract xxx_Portable.exe to a chosen drive as a folder
3--Start winpedata\lazesoftapp\ifsui.exe
or winpedatax64\lazesoftapp\ifsui.exe
and use keygen to register
1--直接雙擊執行 xxx_Portable.exe
2--會自動解壓 xxx_Portable.exe 到選取的位置為目錄
3--啟動 winpedata\lazesoftapp\ifsui.exe
或 winpedatax64\lazesoftapp\ifsui.exe