[版本語言] v2.1.2.2 繁中版 / 英語版
[官方網頁] www.superhideip.com
[隨身免裝] 7z 繁中 mediafire / 英語 mediafire (1.1 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] SuperHideIP 出品的一款快速清除 Cookie 的工具軟體
Remove cookies by domain name or part of a domain. Do you want to achieve it? If so, Super Clear Cookies is perfect for you. For example, type "facebook" and press the "Delete Cookies" button, then you will easily and quickly wipe all cookies from www.facebook.com, login.facebook.com, and all sites that contain the word "facebook".
Super Clear Cookies is very helpful if a website or forum has banned you or is monitoring your online activity with tracking cookies. This powerful cookies cleaner can also wipe ALL cookies from Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Super Clear Cookies also allows you to un-ban yourself on many websites and "reset" your website status with a given domain. By safely wiping unwanted cookies from your PC, Super Clear Cookies provides you super protection guarding your online privacy.
Key Features:
-Only remove the useless cookies, and keep the rest
-Quickly and easily delete all Internet Explorer and Firefox cookies
-Clear stored website passwords or other stored site data of a given domain
-Prevent websites from tracking your online activities