[版本語言] v2.0.3 英語版
[官方網頁] www.pixelgenius.com
[安裝版本] 7z mediafire (13.0 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] PixelGenius 出品的 Photoshop 插件軟體
PhotoKit 2 is a photographer's Plug-in toolkit comprising effects that offer accurate digital replications of analog photographic effects.
Compatible with Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 & CS5.5
[軟體名稱] PhotoKit SHARPENER
[版本語言] v2.0.5 英語版
[官方網頁] www.pixelgenius.com
[安裝版本] 7z mediafire (10.0 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] PixelGenius 出品的 Photoshop 插件軟體
NEW - PhotoKit Sharpener 2 is a Photoshop Plug-in that provides a complete Sharpening Workflow – capture to creative to output sharpening.
Compatible with Photoshop CS3, CS4 & CS5.
(64-bit support in Windows CS4 & CS5/5.5)
[軟體名稱] PhotoKit Color
[版本語言] v2.2 英語版
[官方網頁] www.pixelgenius.com
[安裝版本] 7z mediafire (18.9 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] PixelGenius 出品的 Photoshop 插件軟體
PhotoKit Color is a Photoshop Plug-in that applies precise color corrections, automatic color balancing and creative coloring effects.
Compatible with Photoshop CS3, CS4 & CS5
(64-bit support in Windows CS4 & CS5/5.5)