[版本語言] v6.5.6.0 繁中(多語言)版
[官方網頁] www.uvviewsoft.com
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (10.3 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] UVViewSoft 出品的多種格式文件檢視器軟體

Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer with wide range of formats supported. Implemented view modes and corresponding file formats are:
* Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: any files, of unlimited size (even 4Gb+ sizes are allowed)
* RTF, UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts
* Image: all general graphics formats: BMP JPG GIF PNG TGA TIFF... plus all formats supported by IrfanView/XnView external viewers
* Multimedia: all formats supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPG WMV MP3...
* Internet: all formats supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML PDF XML MHT...
* Plugins: all formats supported by Total Commander Lister plugins
* MS Office: all file types of MS Office (if installed): DOC DOCX XLS PPT...
* Converters: some types can be viewed as plain text: DOC DOCX PDF PPT ODT...
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