2013年4月25日 星期四

Portable Adobe After Effects CS4 (x86)

[軟體名稱] After Effects CS4
[版本語言] v9.0.2.42  英/德/西/法/義/日/韓語(x86)版
[官方網頁] www.adobe.com
[隨身免裝] 7z MainMain (194.9 MB) / LocalLocal (90 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[免空限制] 30 天無人下載會自動刪除,有人下載則自動再延長 30 天(以下載日為基準)
[軟體概要] Adobe 出品的超強實用動態圖像/視覺效果編輯工具軟體

Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics, visual effects and compositing software package published by Adobe Systems, used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production. Its main uses are the origination of 2D and 2.5D animation, visual effects compositing and finishing (image adjustment, color correction etc.). After Effects can also be used as a basic non-linear editor and a media transcoder.

2--此為7zip壓縮製作的 32 位元版本,會自動解壓到選取的位置為目錄
3--已破解,含Bridge+Media Player+Render等,內附說明,請自行到目錄內啟動主程式運行.

6 則留言:

  1. 7z Main (194.9 MB) / Local (90 MB)
    請問 : 以上2個檔案-皆須下載嗎 ? 謝謝-

  2. 回覆
    1. 檔案沒找到____Portable.exe
      點兩下後 會跑東西....可是大概幾秒鐘 東西又消失了

  3. 請問一下,90 MB的檔案網路空間我無法下載,下載的模式有點奇怪...照他的說法移動滑桿也不行,這是能夠下載的嗎?盼回覆,感謝不盡

  4. you have to pull the bar to the correct spot so that the characters in the picture are normally displayed and recognizable.
