[版本語言] v5.0.23 繁中版(英/西/義/挪威/匈牙利) / 英語版(德/西/義/挪威/匈牙利)
[官方網頁] www.easywebsitepro.com
[隨身封裝] 7z 繁英多語 這裡 / 英德多語 這裡 (44.4 MB)
[隨身免裝] 7z 繁英德多語 這裡 (47.9 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] PhotonFX 出品的網站製作工具軟體

Easy Website Pro is new, and different from other Web Authoring Software. It makes it easy for everyone to create a professional website. It gives you the unique ability to choose between templates and apply any colors to the background, foreground, text and links.
You can even add Clip-Arts and images in to the layout. You are not bound to predefined template colors or image themes. The new release comes with powerful features such as I-Phone Websites, PayPal Button Wizard, W3C Conform HTML Code, Import/Export Active Templates and many more. Add animated flash intros, logos and buttons without any web design knowledge. In a few clicks you can generate your own page contents and sell products with the new PayPal feature. No HTML knowledge is required.
Easy Website Pro has a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor where you can create thumbnails of your pictures in one click, add links, MP3-Music files, SWF files and even Mpeg Video-Clips to your site. If necessary, you can view and edit the HTML code at any time. Get higher search listings simply by activating the Meta Tags feature for your websites. Benefit from extras like colored scrollbars, quick navigations and external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files.

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