[版本語言] v5.0 英/德/法/義/日 (x64) 版
[官方網頁] www.adobe.com
[安裝版本] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 或 這裡 (147.5 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Adobe 出品的 Adobe Flash Player 增強工具軟體

Adobe Media Server 5 Extended software lets you serve more viewers with high-quality voice and video capabilities in the Adobe Flash Player runtime that can reach a universe of SIP-enabled devices. Add massive scale with P2P capacity for your social application or enterprise broadcasts.
Support for SIP-enabled devices
Integrate devices and conferencing technologies with a unified communication application using new SIP gateway services. Connect people to conference rooms, mobile phones, or other SIP-enabled communication services using Flash Player or Adobe AIR apps.
Scalable P2P introduction services for Flash Player
Increase the capacity and fault tolerance of your social or enterprise video and voice apps with new server chaining technology that lets operators distribute peer introductions across multiple servers.
Protected HTTP streaming for Flash Player
Protect and monetize your HD video with easy-to-use content protection built on Adobe Access software, with no additional DRM license servers. Add massive scale and robust protection to your media assets or live streams.
Protected HTTP streaming for Apple iOS
Expand your audience to include iOS devices with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Using the same media and live streams used for playback in Flash Player, you can deliver and protect full adaptive bitrate experiences to iOS devices as well as HTML5 browsers.
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