[版本語言] v6.6.0.1 (DateCode 08.27) 英語版
[官方網頁] www.advanceddefrag.com
[隨身封裝] 7z mediafire (3.4 MB)
[隨身免裝] 7z mediafire (2.7 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] 磁碟重組工具軟體
Advanced Defrag is designed to cure system sluggishness and keep your computer running like new. our product targets on home-office based users, it is absolute easy to use. Program applies advanced defragment arithmetic which enables you to completely and fast analyze & defrag all the fragment found in your computer disk, effectively maximum the system performance and improve your working efficiency with the computer, it is definitely worth for your investment.
The magnetic head is controlled by the disk driver to search the area where the file in and read data and transfer it to the disk cache or EMS memory. The searching time in the disk performance index is called average seeking time. The average seek time of most the hard disk is less then 9.5 millisecond. Advanced defrag program is able to put disperse files into continuous space of the hard disk, it will greatly reduce the searching time of magnetic head, better file reading & writing speed is available under this condition.
Key Features
- Thoroughly analyze and defragment computer hard disks.
- Effectively clean optimize Windows registry.
- Real-time defragment keeps your PC disks fragment-free forever.
- Provide detailed report for each analysis and defragmentation.
- User-friendly interface makes defragment easy and simple.
- Support external USB device defragmentation.
- All windows-based systems compatible.