[版本語言] v3.3.1.1 英語版
[官方網頁] http://www.riptiger.com/
[隨身封裝] 7z MegaUpload 或 SendSpace (25.8 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] 一款下載與轉換線上影音的工具軟體
Capture streaming videos for any digital player
Nowadays there is a great number of video sharing websites offering videos of all sorts and kinds. However, most of them usually allow just online video playback and do not let the viewers download streaming video. It can be quite annoying for those who want to save streaming videos to their computers and be able to enjoy them regardless of Internet connection. Now you can solve this problem quickly and easily with the help of powerful and user-friendly program, specially created to download online video in the easiest way. RipTiger is the world's #1 downloader able to capture streaming video from all popular websites and save web videos to your computer for the further limitless playback. With the help of RipTiger you will be able to record streaming video from YouTube, Hulu, MySpace, Vimeo, Yahoo Video, Dailymotion, Facebook, MetaCafe, and thousands of other websites. RipTiger supports most popular streaming and file formats to let you capture any online video you like with best results.
RipTiger downloads compressed and high definition video from the Web, saving its exact high quality copy to your hard drive.
RipTiger provides the fastest and the easiest way to record streaming video from your favorite website. It supports automatic downloading feature which allows to start downloading online video as soon as you begin to play it back in your browser. All you need to do to save streaming video to your computer is to launch RipTiger and open video you'd like to download – RipTiger will record this online video automatically. You can use any browser to capture streaming videos from most video sharing websites, as RipTiger is a browser-independent program. If you have a specific URL and want to record web video from it, you can paste it directly to RipTiger using "Add URL" button, and download will begin instantly. Moreover, this powerful downloader is also able to rip streaming videos simultaneously, which means you can download as many videos as you want without wasting your time. RipTiger offers the best way to capture web videos with minimum effort and virtually in no time.
回覆刪除最新版本為 3.4.3 但無破解...至於手上的 有破解但製作後有問題..無法正常啟動封裝版...殘念...再看看囉!