[版本語言] v3.13.1600 繁中(多語言)版
[官方網頁] http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
[ x86封裝] 7z SendSpace (1.2 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[ x64免裝] 7z SendSpace (1.6 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Piriform 出品免費的系統垃圾清理工具軟體
CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download
v3.13.1600 (28 Nov 2011)
- Added IE add-on manager.
- Added Firefox Jumplist Cache cleaning.
- Improved Firefox and Thunderbird cache cleaning.
- Improved Google Chrome Internet History cleaning for typed URLs.
- Improved Google Chrome Canary Saved Form Information cleaning.
- Improved Google Chrome Canary Saved Passwords cleaning.
- Improved Recycle Bin cleaning with symbolic links.
- Improved item exclusion feedback in Registry screen.
- Improved keyboard usability on Intelligent Cookie scan dialog.
- Added support for custom Thunderbird installation.
e.g. CustomLocation1=THUNDERBIRDC:\Portable\Thunderbird\Data\profile
- Added cleaning for Corel PaintShop Pro X4, Nero Video 11 and Nero Vision 10.
- Improved cleaning for WinRAR, LogMeIn, Office 2003, 2007 and 2010.
- Added Indonesian translation.