[版本語言] v3.0.2.7 英語版
[官方網頁] www.lc-tech.com
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (6.8 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] LC Technology 出品的 SSD 磁碟工具軟體

SSD的實用工具套件是一個必不可少的工具,以提供性能增強, SMAR.T監測和固態硬碟數據安全. 此實用工具套件是一個積極的支持工具, 讓您能夠做出明智的決定,關於您的資料 - 無論是將它備份起來,因為即將發生故障, 擦除/擦拭安全或優化的SSD TRIM命令. 這間套房設計,以實現更快的性能以及Microsoft作業系統的監測你的SSD的壽命,預測生命的盡頭. 在所有驅動器上獲取詳細信息, 查看所有SMART屬性的狀態並執行所有內置SMART測試. 所有SMART屬性查看和監視的狀態的能力SMART警報或失敗設置電子郵件通知. 手動執行或設置任何支持的驅動器上運行TRIM命令TRIM的服務保持了SSD的寫入性能. 使用擦拭工具, 復位SSD工廠新鮮的條件,覆蓋所有驅動器上的數據完全擦除驅動器. 一旦完成,該驅動器將在原材料和格式化的狀態,需要你重新創建分區和文件系統.
The SSD (Solid State Drive) Utility Suite is an essential tool to provide performance enhancement, optimization, cloning capability, data security and firmware management for Solid State drives. More importantly, the SSD utility suite is a proactive support tool, giving you the ability to make informed decisions regarding your data – whether to back it up, erase it securely or optimize the drive using the TRIM command. This suite is designed to enable faster performance, as well as predict end of life by monitoring the lifespan of your Solid State Drive on Microsoft Operating Systems. The SSD Utility Suite gives you access to some of the unique features built into today's Solid State Drives.
- Drive information Tool – This will show you the basic information of every drive in your system. The information displayed will include the drive model number, serial number, firmware version, port number, drive size, ATA version, supported features, drive temperature, lifetime drive usage.
- Overprovision Tool - The overprovision tool will allow the user to allocate a portion of the free space on the SSD to be used by the controller in the SSD within certain guidelines. This overprovisioned space created on the drive will allow the controller to better manage and maintain the performance and longevity of the SSD drive.
- Disk Clone Tool - The disk cloning tool copies the contents of the selected source drive to the selected destination drive.
- Optimize TRIM Tool – The Optimize Tool issues a TRIM command to the SSD which tells the SSD which data blocks are no longer in use, such as those left by deleted files. Regular use of the TRIM command will help the SSD maintain maximum performance. We include support for Microsoft AHCI and Intel Matrix Storage Manager on all MS OS.
- S.M.A.R.T Status Tool - This will display the current S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) status of the drive overall as well as the status of individual attributes of the drive.
- Secure Drive Wipe – The Secure Wipe Tool will allow the user to securely delete the entire contents of the drive. This feature will place the drive in its original unformatted RAW state without any file system. The data on your drive cannot be recovered after running a secure wipe. As a safety feature, the Secure Wipe Tool will NOT allow the user to erase the contents of their boot drive.