[版本語言] v4.0.0.3789 繁中/英/德/法/俄/日/簡中版
[官方網頁] www.picturecollagesoftware.com;
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (108.6 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] PeralMountain 出品的相片拼貼/組畫/行事曆/賀卡製作的工具軟體

Picture Collage Maker, a simple-to-use Windows program that turns ordinary photos and pictures into stunning keepsakes to share with family and friends. With just a few clicks, you can create collages, scrapbooks, posters, invitations, calendars, and greeting cards. Unlike photography software that takes days to master, Picture Collage Maker lets both seasoned collagers and new hobbyists become productive in minutes.
Whether you're a mom who wants to create photo collages to share with the family, a business person who wants to create professional calendars that customers will use every day, or a student who wants a way to present homework that will impress your teachers, Picture Collage Maker lets you transform your special pictures into precious memories.