[版本語言] v6.2.4.399 繁中(多語言) x86 版
[官方網頁] www.autodesk.com
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (32.6 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Autodesk 出品的數位繪圖工具軟體

The award-winning application for everyone who loves to draw! Sketch, paint, and draw with a professional-grade app that is easy-to-use for every artist.
Autodesk SketchBook Pro sketching software for Windows or Mac computers is a fun and intuitive paint and drawing app, and can transform your computer into an ideal artist’s toolkit. With tools designed for professional artists, illustrators, and designers, the easy-to-use interface can help unlock the artist in everyone. SketchBook Pro is specifically designed to work with pen tablets, such as Wacom Bamboo, Intuos, and Cintq products, or with Windows tablet devices to deliver an authentic drawing experience.
-Free up the sketching process with ultra-responsive digital pencils, pens, markers, paintbrushes, and airbrushes. Even customize your own brushes.
-Draw Styles & Guide tools, like French curves, help you create clean and nearly precise strokes.
-Layers let you build up and organize a drawing.
-Incorporate your own images by dragging and dropping, or import into layers.
-Familiar tools, like pencils, paintbrushes, markers, airbrushes, erasers, flood fill tools, and smudge brushes make it easier to get started.
-Easy access to tools and commands in the intuitive and customizable menus.
-Annotate images quickly by importing images and adding comments on top.
What's New in SketchBook Pro 6?
-Streamlined interface delivers an unobstructed and discoverable environment, keeping you in the creative zone.
-Multitouch navigation support on the latest Wacom devices.
-Synthetic paintbrushes that behave more like traditional paint mediums.
-Smudge brushes for blending colors.
-Even more brush controls to customize.
適用於 Windows 或 Mac 電腦的 Autodesk SketchBook Pro 彩繪與
每個人的藝術靈魂。SketchBook Pro 經過特別設計,適合配合數位
繪圖板使用,如 Wacom Bamboo、Intuos 和 Cintq 的產品,或
與 Windows 的數位板裝置搭配使用,以提供最貼近真實的繪圖經驗。
SketchBook Pro 6 有哪些新功能?
-在最新 Wacom 裝置上,提供多點觸控導覽支援。