[版本語言] v7.0.0.3 繁中(多語言)版
[官方網頁] www.clonedvd.net
[隨身封裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (53.2 MB)
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (56.7 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] DVD X Studios 出品的功能強大的 DVD 拷貝工具軟體

CloneDVD is a high-quality, user-friendly DVD copy software program. With multiple copying options, your source and/or target file can be a DVD disc, movie folder or an ISO file from your computer. This software program also has a powerful transcode engine, supporting compression of a DVD-9 movie to fit on a DVD-5 disc.
With an automatic protection (CSS, RC, RCE, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) removal system, virtually any DVD movie can be copied. CloneDVD also has unique conversion capabilities so movies can be converted to a variety of multimedia formats for playback on most portable devices.
With multiple copy modes available, the copying can be customized for a variety of options. You have the ability to copy full movies, or choose specific chapters and titles. The target DVD video size can also be customized to fit your disc.
CloneDVD also supports single-layer, dual-layer, DVD disc and DVD burners as well as all DVD-5/DVD-9 discs.
Multiple copy modes are available :
- Copy the entire discs
- Copy just the movie, omitting extras and special features
- Copy only selected titles/chapters/subtitles/audio
- Customize target DVD size to fit entire disc