[版本語言] v4.0 build 14819 英語專業版
[官方網頁] www.paragon-software.com
[隨身封裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (22.0 MB) / Boot Media Builder 或 這裡 (43.3 MB)
[隨身免裝] 7z 這裡 或 這裡 (21.6 MB) / Boot Media Builder 或 這裡 (34.1 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Paragon 出品的一款專門用來對齊SSD實體配置單位的工具軟體。

Paragon Software Group (PSG) announced the release of Paragon Alignment Tool (PAT) 4.0 – a user-friendly software utility designed to automatically determine if a drive’s partitions are misaligned, then properly realign all partitions, including boot partitions and any data they contain.
In addition to instantly solving misalignment issues on PCs, PAT 4.0 eases alignment problems within virtual machines. The new edition comes with a 20 percent faster alignment engine, Windows 8 support, new bootable WinPE-based version and efficient tools to recover volumes that were accidentally lost during the alignment.
Partition misalignment results in slow write times and inefficient disk operations, also affecting alignment in virtual machines. With a continuously increasing number of SSDs and large HDDs used with laptops, workstations and servers, PAT 4.0 becomes the must-have tool for any PC user or IT professional. It instantly improves your PC performance and SSD drive endurance.
New Key Features in PAT 4.0 include:
Up to 20 percent faster alignment engine than earlier versions;
Windows 8 support;
Bootable WinPE version makes it possible to create a bootable WinPE environment and add drivers for any specific hardware;
Virtual partition alignment;
tools to help recover partitions: recover deleted volumes with the “undelete” wizard after an unexpected alignment operation interruption caused, for example, by a sudden power shortage.
這個軟體適用於AFT先進格式的硬碟(如WD的EARS系列)以及SSD、SSD RAID、甚至是VMware Server下的VMFS虛擬硬碟volume、或企業SAN/RAID的環境,不過對齊分割區固然會有效能增進,但是對於網頁提到的"300%的效能增進",還是不要過度期待、當作廣告看看就好,畢竟這是在某些特定情況下才能達到的增進。對於SSD使用者來說,更該注意的可能是第二點:對齊分割區減少無謂SSD額外寫入後所帶來的壽命延長,但是同樣的,"三倍壽命"這件事情,個人還是持高度保留態度,畢竟每個人使用習性不同,只要知道無謂的SSD額外寫入可以藉由對齊分割區來避免、進而不要縮短SSD原本該有的壽命就好。
Why Paragon Alignment Tool?
-The only tool that alligns partitions in a single operation
-Guarantees safety for the on-disk system and data
-Boosts performance of disk subsystems up to 3 times
-Significantly increases endurance of SSD drives
-Alligns partitions inside virtual containers and the host
-Alligns partitions on ultra high-capacity 4K hard disks
-All our flagship products include this utility by default
p.s.1:隨身封裝/Boot Media Builder
p.s.2:隨身免裝/Boot Media Builder
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