[版本語言] v3.0.0.672 英語版
[官方網頁] www.alienskin.com
[安裝版本] 7z mediafire (34.5 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[儲放時間] 免空限制 - 30 天無人下載自動刪除
[軟體概要] Alien Skin 出品的 Adobe Photoshop 外掛插件軟體
Blow Up keeps photos crystal clear during enlargement. Especially in large prints hung on a wall, the difference between Blow Up and Photoshop is astounding. Version 3 makes pictures even sharper without computer artifacts.
If you understand Photoshop’s resize command then you already know how to use Blow Up. Our large library of standard paper sizes makes it even easier. With Lightroom and CMYK support, Blow Up fits into a professional workflow.
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