[版本語言] v15.5.323 繁中版 / 英語版 (x86/x64)
[官方網頁] www.oo-software.com
[安裝 x86] 7z 繁中 mediafire 或 SendSpace / 英語 mediafire 或 SendSpace (18/19 MB)
[安裝 x64] 7z 繁中 mediafire 或 SendSpace / 英語 mediafire 或 SendSpace (20/21 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[儲放時間] 免空限制 - 30 天無人下載自動刪除
[軟體概要] O&O 出品強力的磁碟重組/最佳化工具軟體

Faster system starts, accelerated programs, and the successful prevention of new fragmentation. To make sure you have the fastest access times possible, keep the data on your disks arranged in perfect order. O&O Defrag lets you merge the individual fragments so that files are then positioned consecutively on the hard disk. Your system will start faster, running programs will be speeded up, and new fragmentation can be avoided!
-Faster system and program starts (up to 100%)
-Extends the life of your hardware
-Assistant to schedule regular defragmentation
-NEW: Before-and-after display
-NEW: Statistics on defragmentation success
-NEW: Live Update
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