[版本語言] v4.0.0.465 Revision 20520 英語版 (x86/x64)
[官方網頁] www.alienskin.com
[安裝版本] 7z mediafire (139.6 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[儲放時間] 免空限制 - 30 天無人下載自動刪除
[軟體概要] Alien Skin 出品的 Adobe Photoshop 外掛插件軟體
Enjoy all the creative tools of film photography, such as discontinued films, dark room tricks, and lo-fi camera quirks. We accurately simulate classic films, like Kodachrome, Polaroid, and Panatomic-X. The result is a photo that looks like it was made by a human, not a computer.
There is careful research under the hood, but we keep the controls simple so you can focus on your art. Exposure 4 has a completely redesigned user interface that helps you quickly develop your own look. Across the board everything is faster and much easier to use.
Hi Morgan,
回覆刪除If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to have the 7z v4 file, which seemed to have been removed by mediafire... Thanks a lot in advance! :-)
BR, Whispurr
Done updated download link...2012-06-25