[版本語言] v5.0 繁中(英/德/俄語)版
[官方網頁] http://www.diskinternals.com/uneraser/
[隨身免裝] 7z filerio (9.0 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] DiskInternals 出品還原遺失檔案的工具軟體
DiskInternals Uneraser is the ultimate tool to recover all kinds of deleted files and documents. Featuring sophisticated data recovery technologies that, in Comprehensive mode, can thoroughly scan the entire disk surface looking for familiar types of files, DiskInternals Uneraser can find and recover files that no other tool can.
DiskInternals Uneraser can recover data from all types of storage media. It’s been tested with desktop and laptop hard drives of most brands, most makes of SSD drives, and all types of memory cards used in digital cameras including SD, microSD, Compact Flash, SONY Memory Stick, xD and MMC. USB flash drives, remote and removable disks are also supported. You can even connect your MP3 player or digital camera to your PC with a USB cord, and DiskInternals Uneraser can recover files directly from the player or camera.
Of course, long file and folder names will be preserved, as well as those names containing non- English or Unicode characters. If your files were protected with NTFS permissions, DiskInternals Uneraser can work around the protection to recover those files.