[版本語言] v1.40.15894 英/德語版
[官方網頁] http://www.drivesnapshot.de/en/index.htm
[隨身封裝] 7z 點我下載 (2.8 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[隨身免裝] 7z 點我下載 (3.4 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Tom Ehlert 出品的磁碟映像建立備份/還原工具軟體
Create Disk Image Backups, While Running Windows
The Backup process will back up all your data into a single file, containing all data, including system data and registry, for total security, should your computer ever crash.
There is no restart (to DOS) necessary. Ever.
Continue your work, while the Backup is in progress
The new Snapshot technology ensures that all data are consistent, and reflect the PC's data at the start of backup. There are no difficulties with opened files. Ever.
This enables a very fast and easy way to back up servers and other computers, that must run 24 hours a day.
Easy Use and Restore of single Files or directories
Drive Snapshot creates a virtual drive, containing all your drive's data. You may use, compare, or restore these files directly from the Disk Image file.
This works with any program of your choice, including (of course) the Windows Explorer
Complete Restore of a disk in case of Disaster
If a disk is restored to its original state, it will be exactly the same as at the time of Backup - byte for byte.
Restoring a system partition will require DOS; other drives can be restored using Windows
Compatible with all Windows file systems (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS)
Supports Linux EXT2/3/4/Reiser
Compatible with all Windows RAID Methods
Very easy and comprehensive command line interface
This makes automation of regular tasks a breeze.