[版本語言] v12 Build 285 x86/x64 繁中 PRO 版
[官方網頁] http://www.perfectdisk.com/products/business-perfectdisk12-professional/learn-more
[免空安裝] 7z 版本x86下載 (27.9 MB) / 版本x64下載 (22.2 MB) - 30天免空下載限制
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Raxco 出品超強實用的磁碟最佳化軟體

PerfectDisk 12 Professional automates the optimization of PCs to boost user productivity by speeding up application launch times and boot times, and helping prolong system and hard drive life.
Pro Disk Defragmentation● Faster Performance for PCs and laptops● Automatic background defrag and optimization● OptiWrite? for fragmentation prevention● S.M.A.R.T. monitoring of physical drives● Advanced reporting and setting control features● Designed for today's power user looking for optimum PC performance
Advanced SMARTPlacement- A Smarter DefragPerfectDisk 12 patented Advanced SMARTPlacement is an intelligent file placement strategy that organizes files according to usage patterns and eliminates most fragmentation before it happens. It also results in faster defrag passes, quicker server boots, slower refragmentation, reduced resource consumption and improved overall performance.
Flexible SchedulingPerfectDisk runs when you want it to - daily, weekly or in screen-saver mode.
Full Automatic Background DefragDefrag when your system has idle resources and maintain efficiency. Runs when it needs to without continuously using resources.
Selected Files DefragIn a hurry or have a few heavily fragmented files? Only defrag the files that you select.
Robust Free Space ConsolidationSpeed up disk writes and slow refragmentation with PerfectDisk's patented SMARTPlacement optimization strategy and exclusive single-pass free space consolidation that delivers the largest blocks of free space possibleSpace Restoration Technology.
Reclaim Free SpaceFind and delete duplicate, obsolete, temporary or junk files. Graphically see where disk space might be wasted.
BlockViewerEasily visualize the contents of a block to quickly identify and eliminate fragmentation.
Full-Scale Central ManagementSeamless integration with the PerfectDisk Enterprise Console. Install, deploy, configure, schedul and report on defragmentation across the enterprise.
Benefits-Improves user productivity by improving both disk read and write speed-Maintains faster boot times-Speeds up application launch times-Maximizes usable disk space-Automates disk maintenance-Prolongs system life
good job.
回覆刪除can u make a new download link?
or send it to xjtu600@gmail.....com
Very THX
New version:Portable Raxco PerfectDisk Pro 12.5.309 繁中隨身版 is below: