2011年8月30日 星期二

Portable Artlantis Studio MultiLang

[軟體名稱] Artlantis Studio
[版本語言] v3.0.6.0 多語言(英/德/日/法/義/俄/西)版 / 繁中版
[官方網頁] http://www.artlantis.com/
[隨身免裝] 7z sendspace (MultiLang - 197.3 MB) / sendspace (繁中 - 189.8 MB)
[官方安裝] zip v3.0.6.0 (多語言-無繁中- 158 MB)
[必要文件] 7z sendspace (內附繁中 - 2.7 MB)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] Abvent 出品超強實用的3D製圖工具軟體



ArtlantisStudio is the fastest stand-alone 3D rendering application developedespecially for architects and designers, ideal for quickly and easilycreating high resolution 3D renderings, QuickTime VR Panoramas,QuickTime VR Objects and animations. A recognized leader in previewwindow technology, Artlantis is the rendering software used byarchitects, designers and urban design professionals in more than 80countries. Artlantis interfaces directly with ArchiCAD, Revit,VectorWorks, SketchUp Pro, and Arc+ . With the addition of the DWF, OBJand FBX import formats and updated DXF, DWG and 3DS plug-ins, Artlantisseamlessly interacts with all the leading CAD software as well.Artlantis is recognized as the fastest, most powerful solution forphoto-realistic 3D rendering and animation.

Now, Artlantis 3 isstrengthening its lead with an even more accurate radiosity engine, newmanagement of geometry by layers, better management and enrichment ofmedia, and simplified control of optimized lighting. In addition to itsmany import plug-ins, which are now compatible with the Autodesk 2010product line, Artlantis 3 now benefits from a new technology for exportplug-ins. This new feature which is available in the OBJ, FBX, U3D,DWF, and SKP formats, integrates Artlantis into the complete designprocess.

The method of radiation (Radiosity)
Displaying 3Dmodels taking into account the reflection of light off surfaces!Updated rendering engine allows you to receive high-quality mappingproject, taking into account the reflection of light off the walls,floors, ceilings and other objects of the building. And thanks to thefact that the image pre-window recreated in real time, you will getbetter and expected after the final photographic rendering 3D models.

Simulation of the sky
Thenew version of Artlantis substantially reworked all sources ofillumination project. With the introduction of new types of sources(physical sky, sun, moon and stars), all visible elements shed lighton other objects of the project in terms of global coverage (globalillumination). In addition, different types of clouds (cirrus,cumulonimbus and stratus), without a doubt only add realism to theheavens, and thus your project.

Automatically adjusts lightingThanksto new technology automatically adjust the lighting, Artlantisdynamically adjusts the level of illumination of the scene: from thepre-dawn haze of the sun to the dim light of evening sky, depending onexternal or internal visualization. And this in turn results inimproving the quality of images and animations.

Integrated post-processing of imagesNeedadditional processing of the picture does not make sense to useadditional software - all you need is in Artlantis. The new version hasfeatures for handling raster images - adjust brightness, contrast andcolor table the final image. And adding the image grain, contour linesor a pastel shading surfaces, you can achieve fantastic results forstyling images. All changes are instantly displayed in the previewwindow, and the effects can be used either one or a group.

Preparation sheydersov (Shader)Thenew version of Artlantis, new tools for the automatic creation oftextures. Now sheydersy receive new properties: specular reflection,shine, blur, configuring the overlay raster ... all to improve thequality of textures. This function is intended, above all, experiencedusers of the program - now they can customize the library sheydersovthrough the program interface.

Rich set of textures and objects
Anadditional collection of textures and objects, consisting of 25 CD,Artlantis users can quickly get to work and set a realisticenvironment, imitated in the virtual world scene from real life. With anew version of Artlantis face additional 5 CD with families forArtlantis: animated 3D models of people, billboards, people, machines,stone and marble floors. New sheydersy and facilities will add realismto your scenes, and control elements is very easy with the help oftechnology dra.

[註] 建議安裝 QuickTime 才會有完整的功能.(啟動時會自動詢問系統是否要安裝)

3--此為AutoRun封裝製作,解壓後目録大小約 551 MB

3--此為AutoRun封裝製作,解壓後目録大小約 511 MB



7 則留言:

  1. 大大,請問還有別的網址可用嗎??謝謝~~

    1. Maggy大大;我已經刪除了...新版的繁中版我會另外貼文給你囉...不過單一檔案大小超過medaifire的200MB限制...所以我會分割為二...已經重製完成...可惜多語言檔案我已經刪除...只剩繁中...就這樣將就一下囉...目前正在上傳中...請靜待...謝謝!

    2. 啊...我自己都忘了...新版 多語言與繁中早就有貼文了...在下列:

    3. 找到之前的存檔....

  2. 刪除封裝的無效連結,新增mediafire免裝連結 2012-08-04

  3. 我想要3.0版有嗎?謝謝你
