[版本語言] v2.1.2 英語版
[官方網頁] http://www.acropano.com/
[隨身封裝] 7z mediafire (1.8 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[隨身免裝] 7z mediafire (1.2 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] 小巧實用的廣角圖片製作工具軟體
AcroPano photo stitching, advanced panorama software.
Create panoramas within a few mouse clicks.
Key features:
Intelligent photo organizing:
Automatically organizes associated photos in the right order.
Automatic photo stitching:
Stitch photos into panoramas fully automatically.
Supported output formats and sizes:
Export Panoramas in JPEG (JPG), BMP, TIFF (TIF), PNG or TGA format with different image quality.
Multiple Stitching Mode:
AcroPano offers three Panorama Modes to suit well for presenting wide-angle view of vast landscapes, city skylines, a range of mountains, or cascading waterfalls, etc.
- Horizontal Panorama
Stitches multiple horizontal photos of a view into a single wide panorama.
Great for wide-angle view or representation of a physical space, vast landscapes, city skylines.
- 360° Panorama
Creates a 360 degree cylindrical panorama.
Stitching in 360 degree puts you right in the middle with all you're surrounded by.
Great for a range of mountains, a forest of trees or the fence in your own backyard.
- Vertical Panorama
Stitches multiple vertical photos of a view into a single wide panorama.
Great for snapping a full picture of soaring skyscrapers, towering trees, and cascading waterfalls.
Advanced Manual mode:
Manually control stitching points on associated photos.
sendspace download links expired.Please provide new links. thanks!
回覆刪除Sorry, the file you requested is not available.
There is always a limitation for free space...
刪除and this upload has been quite a long time...
Please try not to search any of the file which is longer than limitation of free space could allowed...
You were just a bit too late....and most of the time, I deleted those files I have done within 24 hrs time..
However,I did search from the web and download,remake for you this time....enjoy it then!
回覆刪除Thank you so much for your kindly support!
回覆刪除Thanks for remark...the download version official web provided which I could not install at all thought...I remember there should be v2.1.3....however, could not find it anymore...sorry for this....Enjoy!