2011年2月12日 星期六

Portable WIDI Recognition System 4.0 Pro TW

[軟體名稱] WIDI Recognition System
[語言版本]  v4.0.3.1207  繁中/英語版
[官方主頁] http://www.widisoft.com/english/products.html#
[隨身封裝] 7z  點我下載  (4.5 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[隨身免裝] 7z  點我下載  (4.0 MB - 30天免空下載限制)
[解壓密碼] 無
[軟體概要] 一款可將聲音檔轉成 MIDI 格式音樂檔的工具軟體。

如果你是編曲者,當你聽到一首優美的演奏曲時,也許你會想要它的曲譜,或者你是樂器演奏者,想要一份樂譜讓自己也能跟著彈奏一遍。光用聽的就能寫譜需要長時間的訓練以及天賦,但現在以電腦配上 WIDI Recognition System 軟體,電腦也能達到相同的功能。
WIDI Recognition System 軟體不只可以處理音樂來源為單音演奏的曲子,就連具備和絃以及多種樂器的演奏曲也能勝任,使你的應用不侷限於小部份的應用上。


2--建議再用WinRar解壓為資料匣,成為免安裝版 (啟動較快)

2 則留言:

  1. can you teach me how you make softwares into portable apps?? thank you

  2. teach?!...I do not dare to say so,however, I can always share my experiences in the field of the portable app stuff though...Currently, I am quite short of time, may be in the near future I will share my experiences and post those procedures to you. In short, for now, a software called Thinstall can do the job for you, WinRAR also can do too with some limitations though. There is a mighty and free software, uniExtract, which can extract setup.exe or install.msi into a directory without having them installed into your system. If you are instered in those softwares, just google and you surely can find them instantly. Nevertheless, all those above require user to practice a bit and then you are ok...Well, I will keep in mind and will prepare to explain how I did for those portable apps in different ways then. Thank you for your comments.
